Anna Good

På denna blogg kommer jag lägga upp Kapitel från de noveller och berättelser jag arbetar på. De flesta kommer vara på svenska men det kan vara någon enstaka som kommer vara på engelska. Jag älskar att skriva och har mycket fantasi jag vill få ner i ord så kommer nog uppdatera mycket när jag inte har så mycket på gång i skolan. Hoppas ni kommer gilla att läsa mina noveller. // Anna Good

Daughter of Dragon. Chapter 3

Hej människor.
Här är det tredje kapitlet av min engelska novell. Det här kapitlet är väldigt kort för ville få klart det fort. Även fast det tog typ hundra år jag vet. Den svenska ha rjag inte ens börjat på en... OMG! Jag har helt fått stopp på fantasi där men jag ska försöka få ihop ett kaitel till så fort som möjligt. Men i alla all så får man vet amycket mer om själva plotten i det här kapitlet och man får väldigt många hintar till framtida händelser. 

Chapter 3


''MORGAN!'' Bang! ''MORGAN!'' Bang! ''WAKE UP!''.

Someone was knocking on Morgans dark wood door but she didn't want to wake up. She had just yesterday come home from a mission involving stopping some soldiers she didn't know wich country they were from, not all of them human. There had been these trolls that had been so ugly she had thought she had been dreaming, but they had been real and had been making their way to a mining village by the border in the north.

Morgan's thoughts where interrupted when a young girl with short dark red hair, the same red as blood, stormed in to Morgans room.

''Morgan! What's wrong with you?!'' she shouted at Morgan that was lifting herself up by the elbows.

''What do you mean what's wrong with me Annie?'' she asked Annie the red haired girl that now sat down beside her on the bed so there faces was more at the same level, but not really because Morgan was still lying in bed just leaning on her elbows and Annie sat striate up.

''Why didn't you tell me you were back?'' Annie asked looking upset.

''Oh come on Annie!'' Morgan let out with a sighed and fling her head back. ''Me, Noah and Everett got home in the middle of the night!'' She said and stared in to the girl's light blue eyes. ''We were really tired and I still am. I bet I have just slept like three hours!'' Morgan let out and lifted her elbows from the bed under her and let her upper body slam on to the bed it had men lying on just a minute ago.

''Move I want some space to.'' Annie said and Morgan moved so that they both could fit beside etch other on the bed. ''So what happened?'' She asked Morgan. ''Oh and you have slept more then three hours, it's lunchtime.'' She said before letting Morgan answer the question she had asked.

''It's lunchtime?!'' Morgan let out and sat up on her elbows again looking down on Annie's face with wide eyes.

''Yeah, but answer my question first.'' Annie said and dragged Morgan down on the bed.

''Well not much, really.'' she started but then she had remembered the trolls. ''Oh oh! The soldiers that was gonna attack that village had these really ugly trolls with them. I mean like...'' she had to think about how to explain to Annie how ugly they had really been. ''Like Bill when his's crying.'' that was a perfect comparison, but mean.

''No one can be that ugly!'' Annie laughed. ''Well except for Billy when his's crying that will say.'' Now they were both laughing so much that they couldn't breathe.

When they had stopped laughing, which had taken a good amount of time, Morgan felt that she was hungry. And to prove that, her stomach growled so high that Annie's eyes got so wide that Morgan thought they would pop out of her skull.

''You hungry?'' Annie asked sarcastically and smiled.

''No'' Morgan answered with a made up dark voice, they laughed again.

Annie got of the bed and walked to the door, Morgan sat up at the bed.

''I will wait outside, you get dressed.'' she said and walked out and closed the door that was made out of some dark wood that Morgan never remember what it was.

She got up from her bed and walked to the other side of the room ,that wasn't that far because the room was nit that big, and opened her dresser. She took out a dark blue tunic and a pair of dark brown pants. She had to look a bit for her shoes because the night before she had just thrown them of so she could get to bed, she found them on separate parts of her room.

Morgan opened the door and there, just like she had said, Annie stood and waited. She closed her door and they started to walk, Morgan still sleepy.

''That was fast.'' Annie said.

''yeah, I'm hungry.'' Morgan said holding her hand over her stomach.

''The others started without us I think.'' Annie said looking up to sky for no real reason, she does that sometimes.

They hurried to the dining hall and Annie had been right, all the others were already sitting at their normal table talking and eating. Morgan and the redhead walked over to get some food and then sat down over to the others.

''Move over.'' Morgan said to the boy that had saved her from a group of bandits seven years ago, and taken her to this place and people that she now called home and family.

''You think I'm that fat?'' Noah said an pretended to be hurt by that she had said, she rolled her eyes at him and he moved over so she could sit beside him.

''And we thought you had died or something Morgan.'' Bill said smiling at Morgan and she looked at the oldest of the group, the boy with curly black hair and green eyes with a little gray in them. 'He doesn't really look like a troll, that was pretty mean of us' she thought to herself when looking at his face that was quite handsome.

''Oh I was.'' she said as a reply, took a bite of the food on her plate before continuing. ''But Annie waked me up again.'' Morgan said and smiled at Bill.

''That sounds like her.'' Noah said and almost everyone of them laughed except from Annie and Trey. A dark skinned guy with grey, almost white, hair and a pair of beautiful red eyes.

''There going to be a meeting now after lunch.'' Trey said and looked at Morgan with judging eyes, she felt for some reason he has never like her.

''What for?'' a girl named Ariel said, she sat beside her older brother Everett that had been on the mission Morgan had come back from yesterday night.

''Probably about all the unknown soldiers that have been involved in almost every mission lately.'' Bill said with food in his mouth.

Annie hit him on the chest, making him to get the food stock in his throat. ''Don't speak when you have food in you mouth!'' she hissed at him while he tried to not suffocate.

''Well we will be going to the meeting now, see you there.'' Everett said and both he and his sister stood up and walked of.

Morgan and the others that was still at the table ate their food and walked of to the meeting to, but what could be so important that the whole Order had to be at the meeting.

When she walked in to the great hall that was inside a mountain there was already a lot of people inside waiting for the meeting to begin. The hall didn't have walls, it was more like a big cave that could fit hundred something people. There weren't any seats, all the people in this organization wouldn't fit in this enormous hall if it would be seats.

Morgan, Annie and Bill walked over to Everett and Ariel, they could easily be spotted in the crowd it was two blond heads. One a little bit taller then the other that looked like a fur ball, that was Everett. And then there where another with two braids that was a little shorter then Everett, that was Ariel. And when we got closer and they turned around to greet Morgan and the others she was met by two pair of golden brown eyes, their eyes.

''Hay, just in time.'' Ariel said happily and smiled at all three of them, showing her wolf fangs.

''Where's Noah and Trey?'' Bill asked the two siblings, they looked at etch other and then at the Morgan and the other two.

''What do you mean I thought they were with you three.'' Everett said looking confused, as did all the others.

''The meeting begins!'' a voice echoed unnaturally in the big hall, or should she call it a cave.

''Hello children of the 'Order''' a old but strong voice said so all the people in the hall could hear.

It was Elijah Genhard the first head of this organization that's named 'The Order'. It had formed under the great dragon war and was still active. But no one know about it, not any more. They ruled over the continent and had it headquarters here in Gitana. This is were Noah had taken Morgan after he had saved her seven years ago. He had been born here and the soldiers living here had given him his name, that's the reason to why he didn't have a last name. All seven of her friends, including her, they was here because they didn't have anywhere ells to go. Well that wasn't really true about Morgan, but she didn't want to go back if she could chose herself.

''I'm quite confident that you have all noticed that a big amount of unknown soldiers have been appearing. That's because a war is on it's way.'' the first head Genhard said and no one dared to breath. 'Had they heard right? Was there going to be a war?' was all she could think and knew that all the other people in this great big hall was thing the same.

''Morgan? Did I hear that right?'' I heard Annie ask in my head, she was using her telepathy.

''Yes I think you did... because I heard the same thing.'' I answered her thru the link she had created between us.

''We have been able to keep this war ,that have already started, a secret from the kings.'' first head Genhard said, looked out over his children as he calls the soldiers under his command and spoke again. ''But it has come to the point where we have to come out of the shadows and fight in the light with the kings.'' still no one was breathing.

''Wait has the war already begun?'' Annie asked confused, again thru the link she had created between her and Morgan so no one could her them.

''I guess we have been fighting a war all along have we.'' Morgan answered more herself then Annie.

''As you know my children, we have been working in the dark and are just a tale soldiers tell at the campfire. BUT WE ARE NOT! WE ARE REAL AND THE WORLD NEED TO KNOW THAT NOW!'' he paused and Morgan could only guess it was for dramatic effect. ''This war will be lost if we, The Order, don't fight out in the light this war will be lost.'' every person in the hall let out the breath that they had held.''Be prepared to be send out in the light.'' was the last thing he said before he left the stage he had been standing on.

Taggar: Bok, Engelska, Fantasy, Krig, Novell, Äventyr;

Daughter of Dragon. Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Morgan was running with a stack of wood in her arms, how could she be so stupid to have left all her stuff in the middle of the woods. She had found a good place to make a camp and left all her stuff to go look for firewood so she could make a fire. It had gotten cold while she had been out looking for firewood, she could see a white cloud coming out from her mouth when she was breathing.

She stepped on a slippery rock and fell without being able to us her hands to defend herself from the hard ground. Morgan hit her left hip, scraped her clothes open on the knees and the skin on her arms and chin. She could feel a warm feeling on her chin and knees and understood that she was bleeding.

She tried to stand up, her foot hurt as she moved it and she grimaced in pain. Morgan fell back down on the ground, the pain in her foot and knees was to much for her to be able to stand up and if she couldn't even to that, it was no chance she was going to be able to walk back to her campsite.

Morgan closed her eyes an pictures of her father and brother she had left behind at home three weeks ago was shown on her closed eyelids. She had started to miss them, but then she started to remember about how they found she couldn't do anything on her own, how they always tried to protect her from everything. But she did miss playing with her brother and the friends in the castle.

''We need to find a camp for the night boss'' Morgan could hear a man's dark voice say, coming from behind her.

There was people on their way towards her and she couldn't move. She needed to get away, the voice she had heard didn't sound like a nice traveling man, more like a bandit talking to his boss.

''Are you telling me what to do Grego!'' Another man's voice that was even darker and more threatening.

''No, no boss I didn't! I promise!'' the first man's voice that had been named Grego, by the so called boss. She could sense a little bit of panic in his voice.

''Good'' the man called boss said, his voice even closer to where Morgan was lying on the ground unable to move because of her probably broken foot and bleeding knees.

She could now hear more voices coming from where she had heard the two voices of the men Grego and the boss. They were coming closer and closer, Morgan started to panic. They were going to find her, a band of bandits was going to find her lying here on the ground and probably kill her after they make her tell them were all her stuff is so they can take it.

Morgan could now see the first of the men coming up from behind a tree. He was dirty all over and she couldn't even see what skin color he had. He had holes in his clothes and a weird sword on his back, but his shoes was hole. 'Guess they need to have good shoes if they are going to walk everywhere' she thought to herself.

The man had spotted her on the ground and turned around while shouting to all his friend that was walking behind him.

''Hey guys, it's a little girl lying on the ground over here'' she really was in trouble now.

''What? Don't joke with us Plunk!'' she could her another man call from behind the trees.

''I'm not! You stupid idiot'' the man she could see shouted back. 'Did they all have weird names like that?' she thought in desperate need to find something to think about, so the panic would go down a little.

Morgan could see a group of men coming up from behind the tree the first man had come from. They looked at her surprised at first, then they smiled a crocked smile all of them. A big man that, according to her was to big to be a human, and a smaller but still big man with a big beard came and stood behind them. 'This man had to be the boss' was the first thing she thought when she saw the gigantic man.

''And who might this little girl be'' the enormous man said with a frightening grin on his twisted face that was full of scars.

''I don't know, I found her lying there like that, boss'' the man that had first come up from behind the tree said looking up at his boss.

Morgan had started to really panic now, what was she supposed to do? She couldn't run, her foot was definitely broken, but she didn't want to die. Her eyesight started to get blurry and something wet and worm ran down her cheeks, she realized that she had started to cry.

''Oh little girl you don't have to be scared of us.'' the man with the big beard beside the boss said to her while walking to were she was now trying to get up, despite the pounding pain in her foot and knees. ''we're nice people. We just want to help you'' the man she now think she remembered as Grego continued.

Did he really think she was that stupid? How could he possibly think that she would believe him, had he seen himself in the mirror, ever? He had gotten to were she had given up on trying to escape and was now lying on the ground again. He sat down on his knees beside Morgan and she froze. She opened her mouth to scream as high as she could in hope that somebody was going to hear her, but not a sound came out of her.

''You trying to scream little girl?'' Grego said and a wide grin appeared on his ugly face. ''Nobody is going to hear you''

She closed her mouth again because she knew that no sound would come out of it and he was right, nobody was going to hear her in this forest.

''She has to have a camp so lets use her camp, then we don't need to make our own, right.'' A man that stood on the left side of the group said.

He was right, she had a camp but that wasn't big enough for all these people. The group of men that stood ahead of her where about 20 men, how would they fit in that little spot with no trees she had found for herself.

''Well little girl where is the place?'' Grego that was sitting beside her asked.

Morgan opened her mouth but she still couldn't get a sound out and closed it again. She didn't want to be here. Why had she run away from home, if her brother, friends or father was here all would be good. But they weren't, so she had to get out of this on her own.




Her foot was dangling and the pain was something she had never felt before, it was like somebody tried to sever one nerve at a time. One of the men from the bandit group was carrying her and they were soon at the spot she had begun building her camp this afternoon.

She had finally been able to speak and told them what way her camp was but the man Grego had said that she was going to show them the way.

''There'' Morgan said with a voice that was almost not even a whisper and pointed to the big tree she had put her backpack under.

''Well this doesn't look so bad does it'' one of the men that had only pants, two axes at ether side of his waist and shoes on, he was very dirty and smelled bad in.

They put her down beside her backpack and she gave away a little sound of pain when her foot hit the ground, some small tears started to form in her eyes. The pain when they had carried her and her foot had just dangled from her leg had almost been enough to make her pass out. She had broken her arm ones before, but she hadn't been alone and people had taken care of her, now she had no one that could help her fix it but she probably wouldn't need one.

''Look through her bag and see if she got anything interesting.'' the boss said to one of the smaller men.

''okay boss'' the small man said to confirm his boss's order.

He walked over to her and took the bag that sat on the ground beside her, turned it upside down so that everything that had been inside it was now in the dirt. He ran his hands over it all but didn't seem to find anything he liked.

''Boss, she got nothing'' the little man said looking over at his boss.

The big man that was the boss looked up from the fire they had started with the firewood she had collected and dropped when she had fell.

''What, she has nothing?'' the boss said irritated.'' she has to has something'' he insisted.

''Well, no she got nothing, just a book and other boring stuff.'' the man that had gotten the job to look through Morgan's bag said.

The boss stood up and while he did that Morgan could see something moving behind him in the forest. She lost interest in the big man that was walking towards her and instead she looked in to the forest where she think she had seen something or someone move among the trees. 'Is someone here?' she thought to herself and started to hope a little bit, but back in her mind she knew it was stupid to hope.

''What you looking at little girl?'' the boss said and was now in front of her.

He was so big that she had to tilt her head all the way back as much as she could. 'How can a man be so big' she thought and started to get scared. How much time did she have left to live or where they not going to kill her maybe. 'If someone was among the trees watching why didn't he or she help? Why is that person just watching?' she thought to herself angrily.

''Hey goldilocks answer me!'' the boss hissed at her.

She jump so high she think she left the ground because she hadn't heard him talking to her until he had loudly hissed at her.

''what?'' she answered without thinking like a reflex.

What had she said to him and what was it that he wanted her to answer. She hadn't been listening, Morgan had been in her own thoughts and had her attention on the trees. She started to shake, she was so scared

''What!! you say that to me!'' the boss was now so angry that his scarred face was going red.

He lifted her up by grabbing the front of her shirt and she was now face to face with the frightening man. She told herself she wouldn't cry and she didn't, she held the tears of terror in that she so much wanted to let out. Morgan was the daughter of the White family, her father was the king best friend and her mother had been one of the best soldiers, she was a White and they didn't cry or break ever. She just stared coldly in to the man's eyes.

A branch broke somewhere in the forest around them, this time the bandits had noticed. All of them looked around, stood up and grabbed their weapons. They made a circle around the boss and Morgan that he held in his fist.

''Come out, come out'' one of the men that had a big axe as a weapon called.

''Okay but don't attack me'' a child's voice said from the trees on the left side of Morgan.

Morgan saw a boy that looked a little older then her come out from behind the trees. He had dark brown hair that was long enough to covered his ears. He had normal traveling clothes and a backpack in his right hand. He looked at the boss that still held Morgan in his fist so they were face to face.

''And who are you boy'' the boss asked not wanting a real answer, just some reason to kill him for interrupting what was going on.

''Noah'' the boy answered him calmly.

''And what are you doing in the forest all alone'' the man with the axe asked not letting his eyes of Noah.

''I can't travel alone just like that girl?'' Noah asked casually and pointed at Morgan that was staring at him.

''You little brat!'' said a voice she couldn't see how it belonged to.

The men raised their weapons ready to attack the boy. Noah reach for something under his cloak and stood still ready to defend himself. 'Dose he have a weapon?' Morgan wondered with curious eyes on the boy.

One of the men that was nearest the boy attacked but somehow the man was on the ground behind the boy and Noah, tat he had introduced himself as, was standing in the same spot as before. No one had seen what had happened especially Morgan, she hadn't seen anything. If the Noah was the reason to why the man was on the ground in a pool of his on blood, he had to be good. Really, really good.

''Wha..'' Grego that stood beside the boss and her tried to speak.

Everyone was in shock, what had happened. Morgan's hope started to rise, if this boy Noah was this good he could save her. If he wasn't going to kill her to, but that he wouldn't do and that she was sure on. She could see it in the boys eyes somehow, and she just knew.

''What are you waiting for men? Just kill the freaking brat!'' the boss shouted and threw Morgan on the ground.

Her foot pounded so, she thought she was going to die and she screamed in pain. The boss turned around to look at her in surprise but then he smiled at her with a disgusting grin so his rotten teeth was showing, she shuddered at the sight.




Noah had killed one of the bandits that had started to attack him and was now lying on the ground behind him.

He had seen the gold haired girl being carried by the bandits that he had been shadowing for the last two days. He had noticed that her foot was broken because it had been dangling unnaturally from her leg and her knees was still bleeding.

He was focusing on the men that was looking at him with fury as their only expression, when he had heard her scream and Noah looked in the direction he had heard it and he saw that she was now on the ground holding her broken foot and tears running down her cheeks. The big man that he knew was the boss looked down on her but Noah couldn't see his face because he had his back to Noah.

The men attacked him and he wasn't ready, he had been focusing on the girl, but he could still escape the attacks. The bandits wasn't very smart or strong when Noah compared them to the soldiers that had raised and trained him, but they could still fight and it was him against 18 men if not counting the man he had already killed and the boss that was still looking at the girl that was now looking up at him with terror but still with a fighting fire in her eyes.

Noah drew his sword and danced, he was flowing between the swords and axes and he laid a blow on every man. In just two minutes all the men that had stood between him and the two people behind them was lying on the ground in their on blood and Noah had not a single cut or drop of blood on him.

He started to walk towards the massive man that was now holding a ridiculously large sword in his left hand. 'He's left handed' Noah thought to himself when coming closer to them. They were still facing each other but the girl didn't break eye contact with the boss even ones, she barely blinked. Noah was impressed, this girl have had some training.

The boss raised his sword over his head and Noah knew he was going to strike the girl. A anger he had never felt before raised inside him. 'This man is going to strike down a girl that can't even defend herself, a someone that can't even run!' he said to himself in his mind.

Noah could hear the wind being cut by the enormous sword and in a second he was in front of the girl stopping the sword with his that was much smaller. The man's eyes widened in surprise, he looked back to were his men had been alive just minutes before but was now drowning in their own blood.

''You brat I'm going to cut you up in pieces!'' he screamed in Noah's face with only one emotion in his face, rage.


Vad tycker ni om Noah? Verkar han som en härlig kille? Detta är andra kapitelet och jag gillar det verkligen, här börjar själva storyn lite. De här två personerna är de som storyn kommer att kretsa mäst om, de kommer helt enkelt att stå i fokus. det är i alla fall vad jag hoppas att det kommer vara men vem vet jag kan få en helt annan känsla längre in i berättlsen. 

Anna Good




Taggar: Engelska, Fantasy, Krig, Kärlek, Love, Novel, War;

Daughter of Dragon. Chapter 1

Chapter 1



He was coming at Morgan with full force and she was ready to block but right when Elias was to strike her with his wooden sword Ethan jumped in front of her and was hit on his upper arm. Ethan fell on his knees and dropped his wooden sword that he had held in his right hand so that he could grab his left upper arm with it at the spot were Elias had hit him. His face grimaced in pain and Elias just stood there in chock. He didn’t really know what had just happened, then he got down on his knees in front of Ethan.

‘’I’m sorry but you just can’t jump up like that when I’m in a middle of a swing’’ Elias said in both an annoyed and repentant tone.

‘’yeah, well I wouldn’t do that if you hadn’t come for my sister with full force’’ Ethan said in an angry tone but with a smile on his face. ‘’because you know, it is my job to protect her. She is my sister.’’

Now she was angry. Morgan didn’t need her stupid twin brother, that was born three minutes after me, protection she was stronger than them and could protect myself if he and everyone else would just let her show them. But every time they would train in teams the guys on her team never let her fight any, they would just say that fighting wasn’t for girls and that it was the boys job to protect girls. That makes her so angry and she couldn’t hold it in anymore.

‘’I don’t need to be protected I can protect myself just look at you Ethan! Just because you think that you have to protect me you got hurt and I didn’t even need you for protection! I could have beaten him!’’ she screamed and all four boys looked up at her, all of them chocked. They had heard the angry in her voice and she think that they had gotten a little scared of her but she didn’t care, she was angry at them and she wasn’t going to hide it this time.

‘’Morgan’’ Ethan started but stopped when their eyes met. Their eyes had the same crystal green color but at this moment hers was angry. When their eyes met and he had seen that anger that her eyes showed he stopped talking and started to show fear in his green eyes that was so much like hers.  

The grip on her wooden sword that had been resting in her right hand got harder. She lifted her arm so that it was in a line with her shoulder and in ten seconds all four boys was on the ground either on their back or stomach. She was a little proud to have knocked them out like that but they hadn’t been ready so at the same time it didn’t really count.

She had gotten a bad feeling all of a sudden, Morgan turned around and there he stood, her father

‘’Morgan White’’ he screamed and started to walk towards her that stood with her wooden sword in her hand and four boys on the ground around her.

He used Morgan’s last name. When he uses her last name it is never good, she’s in big trouble now.

‘’what have you done here’’ he said while looking down on the four boys that started to move now. ‘’Morgan answer me’’ he looked at me and she didn’t know what to answer him. What was she supposed to say?

‘’I… uhm..’’ Morgan was looking down on the ground, she was too scared to look him in the face and she couldn’t even get a real sentence out. Morgan could feel her eyes water. Something warm started streaming down her cheeks and when it reached her mouth it tasted a little bit like salt. She couldn’t stop the tears and she looked up at her father.

‘’They said that girls wasn’t supposed to fight and that girls needs to be protected! But I don’t need them to protect me I can protect myself! I’m much stronger than them!’’ Morgan had screamed at his face with all the power her lungs wanted to give Morgan while having her eyes totally closed in fear of looking directly at her father while screaming at him. She looked at his face and it showed both shock and anger. What had she just done? She had screamed in her Father’s face. 12 year old Morgan White had screamed in her father’s face for the first time. He is going to kill her, she’s dead.

The boys had gotten up on their feet under the seconds she had been screaming at her father. And now they stood all beside her in a form of a little less than a half circle facing her and Ethan’s father. Samuel Walker, a boy with dark black hair and blue eyes and a lot taller than Morgan but that is expected of a boy who is a year older than her, stood on the left side of her. And beside him stood Elias Eastmill, a boy that’s 12, the same age as she and her brother. He has a mix of red and brown in his hair and grey eyes, he is the same height as she. Closest on Morgan’s right side stood her twin brother Ethan White. He was a little bit taller than she and they did not have the same hair. His hair was dirty blond and a bit messy while her was golden blonde and curly but their eyes was still the same crystal green color. Beside him stood James Granheart, this country’s prince and Ethan’s best friend. James has dark black hair in a ponytail at the upper back of his head. It was not so long but still long enough to fit in a beautiful ponytail. His eyes are a dark blue that you could even see in the dark night and he is the tallest of the boys.

‘’Mr. White it’s okay, we did say that so it’s our fault, please don’t be angry with her.’’ The one that said that was James. He had sounded so grown up for being 13 years old, but she could understand that. He had to go to many meetings with his father the king, George Granheart, so he had learned how to sound grown up.

‘’that doesn’t change the fact that she beat you all down on the ground and it’s nothing wrong with saying that girls isn’t supposed to fight because they isn’t supposed to fight, that’s a man’s job. A soldier’s job.’’ Her father looked at Morgan while saying all that, and then took her hand in a hard grip and dragged her away with the boys still standing there in line with a hole in the middle. 

Morgan was sitting on her bed reading a book that her mom had left for her when she had died 4 years ago. This book was about all the different powers humans can have and Morgan loved it when her mother used to read it for her and they would talk about what power she has. I miss that a lot.

It was when her mother died that her dad started to think that girls shouldn’t fight or be soldiers. Morgan’s mother had been a solider, a really great one. Morgan wanted to be one too but my father won’t say yes to that, ever.

The door started to crack and her father stepped in to the small room.

‘’As punishment for today, you will stay at home while the rest of us are going to the festival’’ that was all he said and then he stepped out of the room and closed the cracking old door.

The ‘Sky Festival’, it’s a celebration for the war that ended 433 years ago. It’s held here in the capital Yume and Morgan wasn’t going this year. She loved that festival. There are all sorts of food, drinks, games and much more. She and the boys always ate and played the games till the sun came up and the festival ended. The day after, none of them would going out to play or ate anything, they are always so tired and never hungry.

She was going to miss that because last year was the last sky festival Morgan was going to have gone to. She had decided to leave. She wasn’t going to live here anymore. She’s going to travel and see the country. Run away from all the rules.

Morgan jumped of her bed leaving the book on her pillow and walked to her closet opened it and took out a backpack that was a little large for the size of her little body. She walked back and put the backpack on the bed and started packing. The first thing she put in the bag was the book she had been reading before she had started packing. Next Morgan walked to the closet again and picked some of the clothes both worm and some that she could wear in the summer, but not to many it would be heavy to carry to much. Then she packed some blankets so she wouldn’t freeze at night. When her mother had been still alive they would go out in the woods and live there for two or three days so she knew at least a little about how she would take care of myself. She wasn’t helpless like her father thought.

When she was done packing she walked over to her desk and started to write a letter. Morgan felt bad for leaving, so at least she had to tell her father and Ethan that she was leaving so she started to write.

    -          To Dad and Ethan.

 Dad I’m sorry but I don’t feel like this is home anymore. I know you love even if the only thing you do is to be angry with me and at least half of the time it is my fault that you are angry. I’m leaving. I don’t know if you are going to look for me or not but I can promise that you won’t find me. I know a lot more about living outside the city then you think I know. And that’s because you won’t let me show you. I will survive and I will show you that a girl can be an even better fighter than a stupid man.

Ethan, I don’t need your stupid protection and not dad’s ether. I know we will meet again and I hope we will, my stupid twin brother. I love you. Please say goodbye to the other boys for me, okay. I hope you will become a great soldier but I will be even greater, little brother.

Love you both// Morgan White, your big sister and daughter.

Detta kapitel vet jag är lite skyndat men det var för att jag hade så dålig fantasi när det gällde hur jag skulle börja min berättelse och ville bara få igång den. Andra kapitelet är inte lika skyndat och mycket bättre i mina ögon.

Anna Good


Taggar: Bok, Engelska, Familj, Fantasy, Novel, Äventyr;

Daughter of Dragon.


In this world many hundreds of years ago the dragons ruled. Then the dragons got less and less for most of the dragons chose to live as human beings instead. In the end, those who chose to live in his human form could not shift back to dragons, and the man was born. For some time the dragons and humans lived in Peace, but soon a war broke out. The war between humans and all the mystical creatures of the world kept going for 105 years and then it ended with the humans as winners, and no one have seen a dragon after the war ended 433 ago.

Every year on the day the war ended a festival is held in the capital Yume in one of the biggest countries Gitana. This Festival is to celebrate the freedom from the dragons. And this isn’t just a festival for humans, this is the festival for all creatures in the world that was ruled by the dragons and is now free and lives in peace with the humans and all the other clans and creatures in the world.

But this is not a story about how the world lived in peace. This is a story about what happened when a new and old enemy comes together and a new war begins.


Detta är en berättelse jag håller på att skriva på engelska just nu och tänkte jag kunde lägga upp den här också för er som gillar att läsa på engelska. 

Anna Good